
On-campus living requirement

Campus-change students who graduated from high school within two calendar years of when they will be starting on the Columbus campus are required to live in the residence halls. You'll need to email Housing and Residence Education at housing@osu.edu to request a housing contract.

Exemption from the regulation

Housing and Residence Education must approve exemption requests. Please review the housing regulation for details. Some of the reasons exemptions are approved include:

  1. Actual local residence is with parents or close relatives or legal guardian. The student is required to register with Housing and Residence Education and qualifies for exemption when the actual local residence is with a parent, legal guardian, grandparent, adult aunt or uncle, or adult brother or sister (provided that the regulation does not apply to both parties concerned) and the residence is within the Columbus or Wooster metropolitan area (defined as within a 25-mile radius of the Columbus or ATI campus). Housing and Residence Education must approve this request prior to the initial enrollment for the semester: June 1 for students who enroll for autumn semester and December 15 for students who enroll for spring semester.
  2. Actual local residence is in a social fraternity or sorority chapter house maintained exclusively for its members. Request forms must be submitted to Housing and Residence Education and approved prior to initial enrollment for the semester: June 1 for students who enroll for autumn semester and December 15 for students who enroll for spring semester.
  3. Actual local residence is in a scholarship or academic residential living unit not a part of the residence hall system, but which has been recognized by Housing and Residence Education. Written documentation for permission to reside in these special units must be submitted to and approved by Housing and Residence Education prior to initial enrollment for the semester: June 1 for students who enroll for autumn semester and December 15 for students who enroll for spring semester.

Request for excuse from compliance

Requests to be excused from compliance with the housing regulation will be considered by Housing and Residence Education. Requests for the reasons listed below must be submitted in writing to Housing and Residence Education at least 30 days prior to the initial semester of enrollment.

  1. Medical necessity certified by a physician and Student Health Services, subject to the approval of Housing and Residence Education.
  2. Financial hardship, supported by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), evaluated by Undergraduate Admissions and Student Financial Aid, and subject to the approval of Housing and Residence Education. If a FAFSA is not on file, allow six to eight weeks for the evaluation process to be completed.
  3. Special hardship, documenting severe and compelling circumstances that exist prior to the initial semester or session of enrollment. Approval or denial of the request by Housing and Residence Education will be based upon substantiation of the circumstances.

Living off campus

For campus-change students who will be living off campus, the staff in Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement works to provide a home away from home on campus.

For students who are rising third- or fourth-year students who opt to live in the off-campus community, this office can assist students in navigating the complexities of finding an apartment and signing a lease.

The office also provides a number of services, from an online housing search, to roommate fairs, to providing the Off-Campus Living Guide, a publication that can help students learn more about the leasing process and budgeting.